Jack Edwards Müller.

Chief Financial Officer – Commited to helping fraud victims re-collect their lost funds and help put justice in place with the help of government authorities.

An array of resources

Our team of professional cyber-security agents work tirelessly to track, identify and neutralize the simplest schemes to the most advanced ones.

Études App

  • Collaborate with local authorities.
  • Discuss your ideas on procedure adjustments.
  • Experience the world of anti-fraud.
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

CAFC Newsletter

  • Life of the scammers before, during and after capture.
  • Case studies that study scammers psychology.
  • Exclusive access to real-life scammers appearing on cam.

“Our financial operations technology has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Jack Müller


Watch, Report, Help.

  • The impact of fraud so far this year

    As of December 31, 2024

    • Reports processed:
      (63,847 in 2023)
    • Victims of fraud:
      (42,316 in 2023)
    • Lost to fraud:
      $638 M
      ($578 M in 2023)
Click here to seek help.